Introducing Jetour, Chery’s premium car brand, to Egypt was a triumph. Hive Studio orchestrated a multifaceted campaign, including a compelling video ad, a photo session for the car’s debut, and a robust digital marketing strategy. The result? Elevated awareness and excitement surrounding Jetour’s inaugural launch in Egypt. 

01. Social Media Marketing

Launching Jetour Car with a creative concept & unique visuals to the Egyptian market to increase brand reach and drive more sales.

02. Production & Photosession

Videos & photo shoots for the car to grab fans’ attention and increase their interest in owning the car.

03. Event Coverage

Preparing visuals & promos to be shown during the event in addition to covering the event moments.

RevolutionizingThe Road

“Discover the narrative of success as we unfold the impactful journey of introducing Jetour Car in Egypt through our uniquely tailored campaign. Hive Studio set out with a singular objective: to position Jetour Car prominently in the Egyptian market.”


Photos & Videos


Video Views


Dedicated Team


Social Media Impressions

Case Studies

Thiqah 360 Campaign

Watch our 3D Animation & Digital Media Campaign for Thiqah - Saudi Arabia

Jetour Launching Campaign

Our Launching Campaign for Jetour Automotive Brand in Egypt.

SLing Ramadan Campaign

Our Creative campaign for SLing TVC, the campaign included different creative copies & Digital Media